The effect of application of the snowball throwing learning model in improving information and communication technology learning outcomes in students

Mustain Thahir 1, *, Arlin Adam 2, Andi Alim 2, Suhenrik P 3 and Andi Asmawati 4

1 Program Study of Educational Technology, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Pejuang Republic Indonesia, Makassar City South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
2 Program Study of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, University of Pejuang Republic Indonesia, Makassar City South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
3 Program Study of History Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Pejuang Republic Indonesia, Makassar City South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
4  Elementary School State 219 Mabbiring, Sibulue District, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 16(02), 109–120
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.16.2.1114
Publication history: 
Received on 26 September 2022; revised on 31 October 2022; accepted on 02 November 2022
Background: Education is an interaction between teachers and students to realize a learning process so that students actively develop their potential. To realize the above objectives, teachers are required to innovate the snowball-throwing learning model so that students are more responsive in receiving information. This study aims to see the effect of using the snowball-throwing learning model in improving the learning outcomes of Information and Communication Technology in class VII Junior High School 2 Bontolempangan, Bontolempangan Village, Gowa Regency.
Methods: This research uses classroom action research method using 2 cycles.
Result: This study found that student activities increased from the first cycle by an average of 24.27 and a percentage of 60.67% in the poor category (enough). In the second cycle, student activity increased to an average of 30.38 and a percentage of 75.95% in the good category.
Conclusion: This study concludes that the more frequently applying the snowball-throwing learning model in the Information and Communication Technology learning process, students can understand the material presented quickly and student learning outcomes also increase. 
Teacher; Learners; Improved Learning Outcomes; Snowball Throwing
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