Review on designing a comprehensive macroeconomic modeling strategy for antimicrobial resistance
Joginpalli B R Pharmacy College, Yenkapalli, Moinabad, Rangareddy-500075, Telangana, India.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 16(01), 705–716
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.16.1.1096
Publication history:
Received on 21 September 2022; revised on 25 October 2022; accepted on 27 October 2022
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a dominant and growing global health crisis that led to1.27 million deaths in 2019. Given the broad use of antimicrobials in agriculture and farming and industrial operations in addition to healthcare and a range of factors affecting AMR, including climate variability, demographic trends, and plastic and essence pollution, an frugality-wide approach is essential to assess its macroeconomic counter accusations. This study summarizes the being literature on the linked factors driving AMR and reviews the factors that have been considered in being macroeconomic studies. We present three fabrics to conceptualize the frugality-wide use of antimicrobials, the epidemiology of AMR, and how AMR affects the economy in a stylized frugality bedded within a more expansive system. We propose how the AMR impacts could be counterplotted onto profitable variables, bandy the significance of these shocks, and outline how AMR elaboration scripts could be designed, particularly with reference to climate change, demographic trends, and associated socioeconomic changes. We also bandy how modeling studies could be bettered to increase their mileage to policymakers and increase similarity across studies. We conclude with the major policy counter accusations arising from the study which emphasizes an frugality-wide one- health approach to address AMR; regulation of the antimicrobial force chain and incentivizing inventions; global cooperation to address AMR, and easing misgivings for policymaking via spanning up the surveillance of AMR, encouraging exploration collaboration and enabling access to data on AMR and antimicrobial consumption.
Antimicrobial resistance; COVID-19; World Health Organization (WHO); United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); Macro economy
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