Comparative study of SBAR- based handover evaluation from primary and associate nurses at the regional public hospital lakipadada Tana Toraja

Aris Payung 1, 2, *, Blacius Dedi 3 and Rita Dewi Sunarno 3

1 Magister Program of Nursing Departement, Karya Husada College of Health Sciences Semarang, Indonesia.
 2Nursing Diploma Program, Toraya Nursing Academy, Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
3 Departement of Nursing, Karya Husada College of Health Sciences Semarang, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 16(01), 209–217
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.16.1.0993
Publication history: 
Received on 24 August 2022; revised on 02 October 2022; accepted on 05 October 2022
Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR) is one of the methods applied in implementing handover. This study aimed to evaluate SBAR- based handover by comparing its implementation between the primary and associate nurses at the inpatient hospital room Lakipadada. The research design used analytic observational. One hundred and one nurses involved in the sample were chosen using the random cluster technique. The research instrument used an observational sheet. The comparison test results showed there was one dimension of handover implementation that was not significantly different between the associate and the primary nurses, which was at the dimension assessment (p>0.05). It was evidenced by a nearly similar observational mean between the group of nurses, 11.83 for associates and 11.98 for primary nurses. Meanwhile, other dimensions (situation, background, recommendation) and the handover implementation showed a significant difference between associate and primary nurses (p>0.05). It was supported by the mean value of observation results in which primary nurses were higher than associate nurses. Therefore, it can be interpreted that the implementation of SBAR- based handover evaluation by primary nurses is better than that of associate nurses. However, the nursing fields still entail optimizing supervision activities, monitoring the implementation of SBAR- based handover, and scheduling effective communication training that could facilitate all nurses.
Handover; SBAR; Primary Nurses; Associate Nurses
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