Design and construction of a solar powered grill using a wooden box

Adesunloro Gbenga Michael * and Oluyemi F.O.

Department of Science Technology, Physics Electronics Unit, School of Science and Computer Studies, The Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti, 360231, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 15(02), 330–335
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.15.2.0818
Publication history: 
Received on 07 July 2022; revised on 10 August 2022; accepted on 12 August 2022
A solar powered grill using wooden box cooker was successfully constructed with cheap and locally available material with efficiency from the various experiments that were carried out, the highest temperature gotten both on the ground floor and at the top of the roof was 72ºC both on the days with air temperature of 38ºC and 35ºC respectively. Efficiency was found to increase with decreasing temperature difference between collector temperature and ambient temperature. Increase in temperature does not necessarily lead to increase in efficiency. Efficiency decreased with decreasing solar radiation. Now a day non-renewable energy available less percentage, that’s why we have to use renewable energy i.e. solar energy, wind energy etc. Nothing is cheaper than free of cost .But solar energy is available in abundant amount in nature at free of cost so that we can use solar energy as option for non-renewable energy source. Hence to replace traditional cooking method by solar energy can be considered. Solar cooker is one of the best appliances to utilize solar energy for cooking. Solar cooking is a form of outdoor cooking and is often used in situation where minimum fuel consumption is important or the danger of accidental fire is high and the health and environmental consequences of alternative are severe.
Solar powered grill; Renewable energy; Ambient temperature
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