Geo-electrical investigation of ground water potential using vertical electrical sounding
Department of Science Technology, (Physics Electronics), The Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti. Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 15(02), 322–329
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.15.2.0817
Publication history:
Received on 07 July 2022; revised on 09 August 2022; accepted on 11 August 2022
Groundwater potential assessment using the vertical electrical sounding (VES) technique was carried out at Ekiti state Southwestern, Nigeria with a view to solving the problem of incessant failure of groundwater boreholes in the study area. A total of 10 VES were carried-out using Schlumberger electrode configuration. The data was interpreted quantitatively using the partial curve matching and computer iteration techniques to generate the first order geoelectric parameters. The borehole lithological log was used to constrain the conventional VES interpretation. The VES results aided by the borehole lithological log reveal four distinct subsurface geologic layers which correspond to Top soil, Lateritic clayey sand, Sand, Sandstone and Consolidated sandstone. The analysis shows that sands at the upper layer within the depth of 2.3 - 76.2 m are unsaturated while sands at depth not less than 100 m in some sampling points are saturated and denote the aquifer units in the study area. Boreholes/deep wells could be cited at these points at depth interval 80 - 100 m. This study has provided an insight to the subsurface condition of the aquifer systems and delineated areas for probable groundwater development in Ekiti State.
Groundwater; Vertical Electrical Sounding; Geoelectric Parameters; Schlumberger electrode configuration; Aquifer systems
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