Effectiveness of video-based dental health education to improve maternal knowledge in army wives association of Maluku
Dental Science, Faculty dentistry, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 15(02), 309–313
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.15.2.0830
Publication history:
Received on 07 July 2022; revised on 11 August 2022; accepted on 13 August 2022
Background: Children are the largest group of people with dental and oral problems. The parental role is crucial in maintaining good dental and oral health, for children are still dependent on their parents and lack psychological maturity. However, the prior study found poor maternal knowledge regarding dental and oral health.
Objective: to assess the effectiveness of dental health educational video in improving knowledge among mothers in the Army Wives Association of Maluku to prevent dental caries and increase good oral health-related behaviors in children.
Methods: This quasi-experimental study involved the members of the Army Wives Association in Ambon, Maluku. The respondents were divided into three groups: having no child, having children aged 0-14 years, and having children aged >14 years. Education was delivered using a dental health educational video and flyers. Paired t-test was used for study analysis.
Result: Most respondents (50.7%) had a bachelor's degree. The mean total score improved (0.0852) from the pre-test to the post-test, indicating that the dental health educational video could significantly improve maternal knowledge (ɑ=0.001; p<0.005).
Conclusion: Video-based dental health education improved maternal knowledge.
Children; Oral and dental health; Parents; Knowledge; Video
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