Study of the physio-chemical parameters for testing water: A review
Department of Zoology Shri. Hawagiswami College, Udgir Dist. Latur, Maharashtra, India.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 14(03), 570–575
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.14.3.0600
Publication history:
Received on 18 May 2022; revised on 21 June 2022; accepted on 23 June 2022
Due to undesired changes in the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of air, water and soil people on global scale are under threat. Due to increased human population, industrialization, use of fertilizers and man-made activity water become highly polluted. Hence the quality of drinking water should be checked at regular time of interval, because due to use of contaminated water, human population suffers from various water brone diseases, like cholera, hepatitis, dysentery, typhoid etc. The good quality of water prevents many diseases and saves the life of human beings. Hence it is necessary to know about different physic-chemical properties such as colour, temp, acidity, hardness, PH, DO, BOD, alkalinity, sulphate, chloride used for testing the water quality. Some water analysis reports with physic chemical parameters have been given for the exploring parameter study guidelines of different physic chemical parameters also have been given for comparing the value of real water sample.
Water; Physico-Chemical parameters; Hardness; BOD
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