Identity, power, myth contestation and land control in Manokwari, West Papua- Indonesia
Department of Anthropology, University of Papua, West Papua-Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 14(01), 223–228
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.14.1.0318
Publication history:
Received on 8 March 2022; revised on 10 April 2022; accepted on 12 April 2022
This article investigates the power of the tribes in Manokwari to occupy back the land controlled by the state. The basis of the claim is rooted in tribe myth about the customary land ownership neglected by the state in the past. Qualitative research is utilized to reveal how the tribes use the myth, power, and connection to control and claim the land. Tribe claim over land becomes more frequent, especially when West Papua is given special autonomy and Manokwari becomes the capital city. The spirit of sovereignty over land and Papuanisation of bureaucrats are amplified during the implementation of special autonomy. The special autonomy, Papuanisation of bureaucrats, power to mobilize masses, and connection with the elite and bureaucrats have strengthened and rejuvenated the power of the tribes in Manokwari to exercise power by retaking, squatting, and controlling the state land.
Identity; Power; Land Control; Myth; Manokwari
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