A descriptive study to analysis the ureteral length in adult population

Balagobi B 1, *, Jenil A 2, Dilan J 2, Suvethini L 1 and Thiruvarangan S 1

1 Department of Surgery, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
2 Department of Radiology, Teaching Hospital Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 14(01), 176–181
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.14.1.0295
Publication history: 
Received on 01 March 2022; revised on 05 April 2022; accepted on 07 April 2022
Purpose: The ureteral stent is an essential in various urological procedures. Therefore, choosing an ideal ureteral stent is central to minimizing the incidence of stent related complications. This study aim was to identify the average length of ureteral in adult population as it would help to opt for optimal stenting according to the variability of age and gender.
Materials and methods: It was a descriptive cross-sectional study at Teaching Hospital Jaffna and underwent to analysis the average length of ureteral among adults based on their CT urogram. This study was approved (Reg.No:S01/07/2021) on 30 September 2021 by the Ethics Review Committee of Teaching Hospital Jaffna and the patient informed written consent was received. A total number of 69 patients had been ordered for computed tomography urogram consecutively in last 4 months from 1st October 2021to 31st January 2022. All ureterals with pathological conditions were excluded from this study. The actual and linear lengths were calculated by using the Radiant DICOM viewer 3.2.3.
Results: The gender distribution was men 69.6% and women 30.4%. Fifty seven (49.6%) were right ureterals and fifty eight (50.4%) were left ureterals. The average length of ureteral right and left were 23.03 (±3.15) cm and 23.48 (±3.17) cm respectively. The average length of right ureteral in male was 23.03 (±2.85) cm and left was 23.64 (±3.16) cm while it was estimated in female right 23.03 (±3.82) cm and left 22.98 (±3.26) cm. The multiple linear regressions showed that there is a no linear relationship between the ureteral length and age or gender.
Conclusion: The average actual length of ureteral of Jaffna adult population is 23.03 (±3.15) cm in right and 23.48 (±3.17) cm in left. The median ureteral length is 23.26 (±3.15) cm. Therefore, it is prudent to use 24cm ureteral stent to Sri Lankan population.
Ureteral Length; CT Urogram; Ureteral Stent; Multiple Linear Regression
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