The use of ethnoveterinary medicine in treating cattle’s milking diseases

Chitra K, Rasheeda Shameem M and S Arivoli *

Department of Zoology, Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore – 632115, India.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 14(01), 075–079
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.14.1.0282
Publication history: 
Received on 26 February 2022; revised on 30 March 2022; accepted on 01 April 2022
Ethnoveterinary medicines deal with the beliefs, knowledge, methods, practices, and skills of the people in maintaining the health of the animals. Ethnoveterinary medicine includes the use of medicinal plants or herbs to prevent and treat the diseases of livestock. The practice of the traditional system is very common in areas where the availability of modern veterinary medicines is rare. For decades the use of antibiotics is preferred for treating mastitis, but the use of such drugs is associated with human health concern. So, an alternative approach of using herbal drugs for treating bovine mastitis is preferred. In the cattle business, herbal plants are utilized for the treatment of dairy cattle sicknesses. Ethnoveterinary medicines can offer many chances in the development of new drugs and hence additional research is required for proper analysis of medicinal plants to be used as ethnoveterinary medicines. The current review paper has explored many data on the uses of herbal plants in ethnoveterinary practices for treating mastitis of dairy lactating cows. This study provides scope in understanding the concepts of traditional veterinary practices and the potential of herbal plant-based crude drugs.
Dairy cow; Galactagogue; Herbal products; Mastitis; Milk production
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