Remediation of leather industry wastewater sludge through eco-friendly technology employing beneficial organisms

Mahdi Haroun *

Department of Industries, College of Applied and Industrial Sciences, University of Bahri, Sudan.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 14(01), 036–042
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.14.1.0257
Publication history: 
Received on 18 February 2022; revised on 24 March 2022; accepted on 26 March 2022
This current research work reflects the role of beneficial organism in altering leather industry wastewater sludge into a precious product using chicken manure. leather industry wastewater sludge was lethal to beneficial organism; thus, it was assorted with chicken manure in various ratios viz. (SL0) 0:100, (SL15) 15:85, (SL25) 25:75, (SL50) 50:50, (SL75) 75:25 on dry weight basis. The high stockpile and lower mortality of beneficial organism (earthworm & microorganism) was in (SL0) feed mixture. Carbon nitrogen ratio, EC, and organic carbon were declined in the following pattern 30.87-38.32%, 46.35-73.3%, and 25.85-15.84%, respectively. On the other hand, pH, total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, potassium, Calcium, phosphorus, and sodium were increased from initial in the range of pH (3.45-12.8%), 7.14–64%, 8.1-43.64%, 17.24–76.92%, 10.19–46.87% & 25-68.75%, respectively. Total concentration of heavy metals raised pointedly and within the allowable boundary. Therefore, results designated that remediation of tannery sludge through eco-friendly technology using beneficial organisms is acceptable for altering this leather industry wastewater sludge into valuable manure product.
Beneficial organism; Leather industry; Compost; Wastewater; Sludge
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