Intestinal intussusception in an Adult: Case report

Faruk Hernández Sampayo 1, *, Michael Iván Redondo Borrero 1, Jannia Paola Montes Mercado 2, Carlos Enrique González Zafra 2 and Juan Carlos Rodríguez Gómez 2

1 Physician Surgery, Metropolitan University of Barranquilla, Colombia.
2 General Surgery, Metropolitan University of Barranquilla, Colombia.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 13(03), 311–315
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.13.3.0231
Publication history: 
Received on 09 February 2022; revised on 12 March 2022; accepted on 14 March 2022
Intestinal intussusception is a rare entity in which a segment of intestine (intussusceptum), contracted by a peristaltic wave, enters the immediately distal segment (intussuscipiens). Once trapped, the invaginated segment is propelled distally by peristalsis, dragging its mesentery behind it. Next, we present the case of a 41-year-old female patient who presented an intestinal intussusception, with clinical manifestations of an intestinal obstruction and underwent an exploratory laparotomy, where the diagnosis was made and a moderately adenocarcinoma-type colon lesion was resected. Differentiated, in the city of Barranquilla in 2016.
Intestinal Intussusception; Intestinal Obstruction; Adults; Laparotomy
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