Pharmacological action and physiological effect of the venom of the honey bee Apis mellifera Caucasica
Tokat Gaziosmanpasha University, Medical Faculty, Department of Medical Physiology, Turkey.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 12(03), 334–339
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.12.3.0652
Publication history:
Received on 22 October 2021; revised on 13 December 2021; accepted on 15 December 2021
The present’s experimental data on the influence of the venom of the honey bee on the life span of experimental animals irradiated with small doses of gamma radiation on physiological and pharmacological action venom of the honey bee Apis mellifera Caucasica. The aim of the studies was to study the radioprotective effect of the pre-introduced venom Apis mellifera Caucasica with a single gamma irradiation of 60Co mice at doses of 1.3, 5, 7, 10 Gy at irradiation dose rates of 1 Gr / min.
Injection of venom followed by gamma irradiation of 60Co at a dose of D = 1, 3, 5 and 7 Gy at an irradiation dose rate of 1 Gy / min increased the life span of the experimental groups of mice ranging from 45% to 56 % and from 52% to 67%, respectively.
An increase in the lifespan of experimental rats exposed to radiation with the preliminary introduction of the venom of the honey bee.
Honey bee; Apis mellifera Caucasica; Venom; Physiological; Pharmacological; Radioprotective action
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