Mass flow rate optimization in solar heating systems based on a flat-plate solar collector: A case study

Samer Yassin Alsadi 1, * and Tareq Foqha 2

Elect. Eng. Dept, Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie (PTUK), Tulkarm-Palestine.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 12(03), 061–071
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.12.3.0557
Publication history: 
Received on 25 September 2021; revised on 06 November 2021; accepted on 08 November 2021
Little works considered the optimization of working fluids in solar systems. Engineers, designers and scientists are interested with the optimization problems, furthermore it is very important specially, for solar systems to improve the energetic behavior and increase their efficiencies as a conversion system of solar irradiance to a useful thermal power. According to the available literature, the criteria of optimization mainly relates to energetic and economic analysis (one of them or both). The analysis was based upon the maximum useful energy obtained from solar collector. Accordingly, the optimum mass flow rate was found aspires to infinity. The second analysis is based upon minimum cost of the unit of useful energy [$/W]. The optimum mass flow rate of solar air-heating flat-plate collector for the considered domestic solar heating system has been found 29 kg/h per square meters of solar collectors. This paper deals with a third criteria that is, the amount of the additional energy required to achieve the required task from the solar system by means of auxiliary heating system. In where both the outlet temperature and mass flow rate play crucial role in the heat exchange between the fluid in the collector loop and the fluid in the load loop.
Optimum Mass Flow Rate; Flat-Plate Solar Collector; Solar Heating System; Electrical Consumption.
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