The role of social media in enhancing behavioral health interventions: A case study approach
1 Department of Public Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA.
2 Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, New York, USA.
3 Department of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.
4 School of Health Studies, Northern Illinois University, Illinois, USA.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 13(03), 543–552
Publication history:
Received on 19 January 2022; revised on 21 March 2022; accepted on 23 March 2022
Social media platforms have become extremely effective instruments for improving behavioural health interventions because they provide unprecedented reach and engagement possibilities. This review examines the role of social media in promoting positive health behaviours using a case study approach. Three interventions are examined: a YouTube channel that promotes physical activity, an Instagram campaign that encourages healthy eating, and a Facebook-based smoking cessation program. This research looks at the engagement tactics, implementation strategies, and the results of these interventions. The results show that effective social media-based interventions leverage platform-specific features, encourage community support, and blend user-generated information with expert knowledge. However, there are still challenges such as the dissemination of false information, privacy issues, and maintaining long-term engagement. The integration of social media into behavioural health strategies presents ethical considerations specifically regarding data privacy and the potential escalation of health disparities. Even though social media interventions show the possibilities of enhancing conventional methods, they cannot completely replace in-person treatment. Therefore, the review highlights the need for longitudinal studies to assess the long-term effectiveness of these interventions and calls for the development of robust evaluation methodologies tailored to the dynamic nature of each social media platform. As this field develops, a well-rounded strategy that addresses the drawbacks of social media while maximising its promise is essential for successful public health promotion in this digital era.
Social media; Behavioral health; Digital interventions; Health promotion; Smoking cessation; Healthy eating; Physical activity; Public health
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