Transforming business consulting through generative AI: A framework for enhanced strategic decision-making and value creation
Independent Researcher.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2019, 03(01), 054–065
Publication history:
Received on 17 April 2019; revised on 25 May 2019; accepted on 28 May 2019
The business consulting industry is at the cusp of a revolution mainly precipitated by strides in generative artificial intelligence systems. Drawing from the generated AI in this paper, the paper proposes a framework that integrates generative AI in consulting to improve the choice of strategy and deliver value. By examining the state-of-the-art approaches and authentic success stories, the current work reveals how AI may enhance consulting businesses, increase client satisfaction, and stimulate innovation. Due to the high speed of data processing, generative AI helps consultants break complex processes into easily understandable steps and enhance the accuracy of the forecasts and insights they provide. Moreover, by using big data and means of AI, the following characteristics are introduced: Customization of solutions specific to the needs of each particular client is provided, which improves the clients' satisfaction, and consolidation of the relation between the two parties is bolstered. The technology also helps consultants with new trends and decide on emerging trends that will allow the client to compete well. Because consulting firms are likely to incorporate AI tools in their work, they can solve the complexity that accompanies today’s business problems by being more efficient in service delivery. Finally, the paper explores potential scenarios of how generative AI could evolve and its effects on consulting businesses, pointing out that generative AI is a powerful tool from which consulting services might change the course. AI’s role will remain necessary and evolve, providing firms with what they require to improve strategic choices and create lasting client value in an increasingly fluctuating market.
Business Consulting; Generative AI; Strategic Decision-Making; Value Creation; Technology Transformation.
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