Leveraging Low-Code Development Platforms (LCDPs) for Emerging Technologies
Architect, Intelligent Automation, USA.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 13(02), 547–561
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.13.2.0127
Publication history:
Received on 05 January 2022; revised on 22 February 2022; accepted on 26 February 2022
Low code development platforms (LCDPs) are completely transforming how software applications are built because anyone with little experience in code development can build complex software solutions quickly. This research seeks opportunities for LCDPs to be optimized to improve the uptake and deployment of modern technologies, including AI, IoT, and Blockchain. Although innovative, these technologies bring hardships to traditional software development since they are complex and hungry for resources. LCDPs solve the problem because they take less time, are more flexible, don’t cost as much as traditional development programs, and make new technologies accessible to even more firms and people with ideas.
For this paper, LCDPs’ main benefits are highlighted as follows: time to market advantage, development advantages, and accessibility to technology. Employing case studies in its analysis, the study reviews how LCDPs are applied in AI, IoT, and Blockchain projects to understand their efficiency. The evidence shows that LCDPs are altering the software development process and are also the enablers of future technological solutions.
Software Applications; AI; Blockchain; LCDP; Development platforms; IoT
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