Leveraging data analytics for optimizing pharmacy marketing strategies: Enhancing patient engagement and medication adherence
1 Vanderbilt University, USA.
2 Kaybat Pharmacy and Stores, Benin, Nigeria.
3 Independent Researcher; Nigeria.
4 Roche Products Limited, Lagos Nigeria.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 16(01), 1184–1195
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.16.1.1020
Publication history:
Received on 07 September 2022; revised on 26 October 2022; accepted on 29 October 2022
Pharmacy marketing strategies are undergoing a transformation with the integration of data analytics, offering a more personalized and effective approach to improving patient engagement and medication adherence. As healthcare systems prioritize patient-centered care, pharmacies can harness data analytics to tailor marketing campaigns and enhance communication, ensuring that patients remain engaged with their treatment plans. This review explores how data analytics can be leveraged to optimize pharmacy marketing strategies, focusing on the role of predictive analytics, segmentation, and machine learning to identify at-risk patients and address common challenges in adherence, such as forgetfulness and treatment complexity. By analyzing prescription patterns, patient demographics, and behavioral data, pharmacies can design targeted campaigns that promote adherence through timely reminders, personalized messages, and educational content. These campaigns can be further optimized using predictive models to forecast adherence behaviors and implement interventions before lapses occur. Additionally, data analytics enable the customization of reward programs that incentivize medication compliance, leading to improved health outcomes. The use of data-driven insights also allows for the continuous measurement and refinement of marketing strategies, enhancing their impact on patient engagement. Key performance indicators, such as refill rates and communication response times, provide valuable feedback on the success of initiatives. However, this approach also raises challenges, particularly regarding data privacy and ethical marketing practices, which must be carefully managed to maintain patient trust. The review concludes by discussing the potential of future technologies, such as artificial intelligence and telepharmacy, in revolutionizing pharmacy marketing and patient care through data analytics.
Data Analytics; Pharmacy; Marketing Strategies; Patient Engagement
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