Spontaneous resorption of extruded iliac crest graft after cervical anterior discectomy

Mamoune El Mostarchid *, Hamama mustapha, Nizar Fatemi and Maaquili My Rachid

Neurosurgery Department, of Ibn Sina Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy. Mohammed V- University Souissi, Rabat, Morocco.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(01), 185–187
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.24.1.2847
Publication history: 
Received on 07 August 2024; revised on 28 September 2024; accepted on 30 September 2024
Background: Disc surgery for cervical disc herniation with or without an iliac graft is a very specific intervention in neurosurgery. Graft migration is a very rare but well-known complication. Autogenous tricortical iliac crest graft migration or extrusion after anterior cervical discectomy is a potential complication that generally may require revision surgery.
The aim: to report a very rare case of total resorption of an extruded bone graft in a prevertebral anatomic area managed conservatively.
Case report: We report a case of graft extrusion or migration in a single-level C3-C4 anterior cervical disc fusion, which was managed conservatively as the patient remained asymptomatic. Follow-up x-ray, computed tomography scan (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 8 weeks showed total graft resorption with good cervical spine cord decompression.
Conclusion: Radiological postoperative regular checks, mainly in the first weeks following the anterior cervical discectomy and fusion operation, are essential to detect graft extrusion. Total resorption of extruded iliac crest graft in prevertebral anatomic area is rarely reported and needs more study.
Anterior cervical discectomy; Iliac graft; extrusion; X-ray; MRI; Total resorption of graft.
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