Ethical AI: Addressing bias, fairness, and accountability in autonomous decision-making systems
Lahore Leads University, Pakistan.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 23(02), 1703-1711
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.23.2.2510
Publication history:
Received on 09 July 2024; revised on 19 August 2024; accepted on 21 August 2024
AI is one of the most marvelous technical domains that have opened several dimensions toward reaching out to diversified areas. The might of AI comes along with a number of hanging ethical dilemmas that need attention during the course of its expansion in the regime of independent decision-making. Ethical AI is the all-inclusive universe of considerations in AI, covering bias correction, assurance of fairness, and installation of accountability machinery. Bias in AI systems can be a manifestation of a faulty algorithm that hence discriminates; therefore, it is critical to apply operations such as data preprocessing and fairness algorithms to fix the issue, probably. There is some natural fairness locked through the whole AI system, but the result for this fairness should be to deal with everybody at an individual level and to be treated on the same terms, and there has to be a comprehensive approach to the meanwhile intertwining social forces. The third key aspect of Ethical AI is accountability in the sense that it calls for clear frameworks to define what is held accountable and to set up procedures for the questioning and containment of power in AI systems. It will review the already extant ethical challenges of AI and provide a hypothetical model that would guide stakeholders in the industry toward the creation of AI systems that are technologically advanced, ethically sound, and socially beneficial. These ethical concerns need to be addressed so that no moral problems are left at all, while at the same time creating AI that improves our intellectual capabilities and does not damage our moral code. The full paper elaborates on these issues in a more detailed way. It provides a detailed analysis of the ethical aspect in AI and the developers, policymakers, and users.
Ethical AI; Autonomous Decision-Making System; Artificial Intelligence; Fairness in AI; Algorithmic Bias
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This paper has received CERTIFICATE OF BEST PAPER (Volume 23, Issue 2, Year 2024).
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