Analysis of fit problems associated with ready-to-wear apparels among female teachers in rural and urban areas in Kogi State, Nigeria
Department of Home Science and Management, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 23(02), 1633–1640
Publication history:
Received on 21 June 2024; revised on 19 August 2024; accepted on 21 August 2024
Well-fitted ready-to-wear apparel provides reasonable comfort, allows sufficient ease in performing relevant duties, and conforms to current fashion, among others. This study analysed fit problems associated with ready-to-wear apparel among female teachers in rural and urban areas of Kogi State, Nigeria. A multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 400 female teachers (200 in rural and 200 in urban) from the list of 3,986 secondary school female teachers aged 20-60 years in the study area. Primary data obtained through questionnaire administration to female teachers in active service were analysed using descriptive statistics and mean scores from a Likert-type scale. The results show that most (52.8%) of the female teachers were in the age bracket of 31-40 years. In both rural and urban areas, the most prevalent body shape is characterized by balanced proportions between the bust and hips, while the least common shape is the inverted triangular body shape. The most reported fit problem is at the waist with the majority experiencing tightness at the waist region. This is followed by the hip fit problem, bust fit, neckline, and shoulder fit problems. The least reported problem is the underarm fit problem. The result further shows that female teachers in urban and rural areas relied on the company's size recommendations when making apparel choices. The study recommended that ready-to-wear manufacturers or sellers should ensure clear size labelling, offer a diverse range of styles and sizes, provide customer education, and establish a feedback mechanism to address fit and comfort issues among female teachers.
Apparels; Female; Fit-Problems; Ready-To-Wear; Preference.
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