Comparative in-vitro evaluation of two brands of carvedilol uncoated tablets
1 Rasiklal M. Dhariwal Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Chinchwad, Pune, India.
2 PES’s Modern College of Pharmacy, Nigadi, Pune, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 10(02), 031–038
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.10.2.0190
Publication history:
Received on 27 March 2021; revised on 02 May 2021; accepted on 05 May 2021
Comparative study is just a comparison study, according to formal properties, function, purpose and effectiveness. The main purpose of comparative study is, to compare a particular drug of different brands with the help of their stability, efficacy and evaluation parameters. Here we compare the carvedilol drugs different two marketed. It acts as anti-hypertensive agent so, it mainly preferred for arterial fibrillation, inhibits tachycardia, prevention of stroke, heart failure, it also works by blocking a natural substance like epinephrine, which results to cause lowers the heart rate, blood pressure and strain on the heart. In comparative studies we determined their efficacy and effectivity on the basis of various in-vitro tests like weight variation, friability, hardness, dissolution and disintegration. It can be concluded that standard quality control parameters always should be maintained not only for carvedilol or its combination but also for all kinds of medicine for getting better drug products. The parameters in this comparative study between these two brands showed somewhat variation because every brand have their own method or processing or manufacturing and formulation properties. Mainly these parameters can show the different efficacy and effectivity and made them unique from each other.
Carvedilol uncoated tablets (3.125mg); In-vitro evaluation; Two available marketed brands.
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