Evaluation of aquifer characteristics at Kingsley Ozumba Mbadiwe university and environs

Tochukwu Loveday Ogbonna 1, *, Chukwuemeka Ifeanyi Agbodike, I.I.C 1, Joseph Ijeoma Onwuemeka 1, Justice Chetachukwu Nwugo 1 and Diugo Okechukwu Ikoro 2

1 Department of Physics, Faculty of Physical Science, Imo State University Owerri, Nigeria.
2 Department of Geology, Faculty of Physical Science, Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(03), 2064–2081
Article DOI10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.3.1682
Publication history: 
Received on 16 May 2024; revised on 26 June 2024; accepted on 28 June 2024
Aquifer characteristics evaluation enables the determination of aquifer’s ability to recharge as well as discharge. However, knowledge of aquifer characteristics has been scarce at Kingsley Mbadiwe University and Its Environs. Thus, geophysical and hydrogeological investigations involving vertical electrical sounding (VES), pumping test and well logging were conducted in KOMU, Imo State Nigeria, to evaluate the aquifer characteristics as well as the groundwater protective capacity of the area. Twenty-Five (25) VES, using the Schlumberger configuration, were carried out. The vertical electrical sounding data were processed using a combination of curve matching and computer modeling using the IP2WIN software. The aquifer resistivity across the study area varies from 90 Ωm at 5 Star Hotel Obiohia, KOMU (VES 24) to 5872 Ωm beside the Stadium KOMU (VES 9). The depth to the water table across the study area varies from 1.43 m at Medical Centre KOMU (VES 13) to as high as 82.7m at Faculty of Sciences KOMU (VES 2) Southeastern parts of the study area. The aquifer thickness across the study area varies from 2.18m at 5 Star Hotel Obiohia, KOMU Environs (VES 24) to 126m at Benahllis Hotel, KOMU Environs (VES 14). The groundwater potentials of the studied area range from fair to good, with the areas underlain by the Benin Formation having better groundwater potentials, according to the interpretation of a variety of aquifer characteristics.
Aquifer characteristics; Vertical Electrical Sounding; Curve matching; Resistivity; Protective capacity. 
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