Prevalence and determinants of hypertension among adults: A cross-sectional survey of one tribal area in Bangladesh

Abdullah Al Shafi Majumder 1, *, Rajib Ghosh 2, Alimur Reza 3 and Nayan Ray 4

1 Popular Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
2 Rangamati Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
3 Novus Clinical Research Services Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
4 Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(03), 1629–1637
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.3.1824
Publication history: 
Received on 08 May 2024; revised on 14 June 2024; accepted on 17 June 2024
Introduction: The prevalence of non‑communicable diseases is not well known in tribal areas of Bangladesh. Lifestyle and food habits are quite different from most of the population living in plain lands (recognized as “Bengalee”). Though data are available regarding the latter, data on the tribal population is scanty.
Purpose: It was aimed to determine the prevalence and assess the risk factors of hypertension in a tribal area in Bangladesh.
Materials and Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study of 637 men and women aged ≥18 years located in Rowangchhari THC of Bandarban, a hilly district of Bangladesh. Data on demographics, behavioral factors, physical measurements, and health history were collected, using a pretested questionnaire and clinical examination. A value of P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: Among 637 participants, 52% were male and mean age 35.4±13.4 years. Almost 78% were from different tribal communities (e.g., Marma, Tonchonga, Bom, Tripura, Chakma etc.). Hypertension prevalence was 28.9% (95% CI 25.4 to 32.6) and was significantly higher among male than female (33.1% vs 24.3%; p-value= 0.014). The highest prevalence was observed among aged ≥60 years at 41.3%. Hypertension was higher among Bengali (33.6%) than tribal population (28.1%), but not statistically significant. Determinants of hypertension included male gender, older age, higher income, nature of job, increasing body mass index and waist circumference. >85% have knowledge of harmful effects of hypertension (86.9%) and smoking (91.2%).
Conclusion: Our study suggests that the prevalence of hypertension is significant among the population living in tribal areas.
Hypertension; Prevalence; Risk factor; Tribal; Bangladesh
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