Rare and endangered plants of the flora of Georgia common in the Tbilisi environs (East Georgia, Caucasus)

Nikoloz lachashvili 1, 2, Konstantine Kereselidze 2, * and Mariam kikvidze 3

1 Geobotany Department of Institute of Botany of Ilia State University, #1 Botanikuri str., 0114 Tbilisi, Georgia.
2 Ethnobotany Department of National Botanical Garden of Georgia, #1 Botanicuri str., 0108 Tbilisi, Georgia.
3 School of Natural Sciences and Medicine of Ilia State University, 3/5 Kakutsa Cholokashvili Ave, 0162 Tbilisi, Georgia.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(02), 1966–1972
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.2.1615
Publication history: 
Received on 16 April 2024 revised on 25 May 2024; accepted on 28 May 2024
The protection and preservation of biodiversity around big cities is an urgent problem of modern times. The present study is devoted to the protection and preservation of the wild flora of Tbilisi City. 40 rare and endangered vascular plants of flora of Georgia growing wild in the Tbilisi environs have been identified. 14 of them are trees, 6 - shrubs, 2 - semi-shrubs and undershrubs, 17 - perennial herbs and 1 - annual plant. Each of them was assessed according to IUCN categories and criteria: Critically Endangered (CR) – 6 species, Endangered (EN) – 10, Vulnerable (VU) – 12, Near Threatened (NT) – 8 and Data Deficient (DD) species – 4. They are plants of different bio-ecologies and are distributed in the different vegetation types and habitats. 19 species are endemics of the Caucasus. Two of them (Astragalus cyri Fomin and Anthemis saguramica Sosn.) are endemics of Georgia. The article provides a list of the target species with reference to key synonyms, families, habitats (within Tbilisi environs), life forms and IUCN categories and criteria (within Georgia).
Species; IUCN; Life form; Habitat; Endemic
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