Comparative study of air quality index of two metropolitan cities (Lucknow and Kanpur) in Year-2023

Pragati Patel * and Anand kumar

Department of Zoology, B.S.N.V. P.G. College (Lucknow University), Lucknow- 226001, U.P., India.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(02), 1637–1651
Article DOI10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.2.1590
Publication history: 
Received on 14 April 2024 revised on 21 May 2024; accepted on 23 May 2024
In 2023, it was declared that the Bangladesh at the first place and then Pakistan, after which the most polluted country is India at the third place. Polluted air is becoming a very considerate issue all over the world. This study is all about comparing the air quality of two metro cities, Lucknow and Kanpur during (November 2022- October,2023) buy monitoring and assessment of few selective basic AQI air pollutants namely Particulate Matter (PM10) , Sulphur dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations and also AQI of Lucknow and Kanpur at 5 representative locations categorized as residential, commercial  and industrial areas. Residential area in Lucknow (Mahanagar and Aliganj) and in Kanpur (Kidwai Nagar and Shastri Nagar), Commercial areas in Lucknow (Hazarat Ganj and Ansal T.C.)  and in Kanpur (Zareeb Chauki and Ramadevi), Industrial area Talkatora in Lucknow and Panki in Kanpur have been taken under consideration. The result found that 24 hours concentration of PM10 were in the range of 76.40 to 261.19 µg/m3  in Lucknow and 74.68 to 400.67 µg/m3 in Kanpur with an average of 174.34 and 160.36 µg/m3, respectively. The average value of PM10 was above as per the guideline of WHO and permissible limit prescribed by NAAQ in both the cities. Similarly, 24 hours average concentration of SO2 was below the prescribed level of NAAQ in Lucknow and Kanpur which was in the range of 5.33 to 12.70 µg/m3 in Lucknow and 2.00 to 9.53 µg/m3 in Kanpur with an average of 8.71 and 7.19 µg/m3, respectively. The 24 hours average concentration of Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) was below prescribed level of NAAQ in Lucknow and Kanpur. In Lucknow it was in the range of 13.83 to 48.01 µg/m3 and in Kanpur 21.45 to 64.02 µg/m3 with an average of 29.45 and 50.14 µg/m3, respectively. The 24 hours AQI was reported in the range of 76 to 211 in Lucknow and 75 to 363 in Kanpur with an average of 150.84 and 142.76 respectively which is greater moderate to severe by NAAQ and WHO guideline throughout the year. Ultimately, this entire study is related to human health because polluted air gives rise to various hazardous diseases such as asthma cancer, premature death cardiovascular diseases, respiratory tract diseases etc.
PM₁₀; SO₂; NO₂; Ambient Air Quality (AQI); Lucknow and Kanpur city.
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