A journey into the innovations and expertise of Dubai police and the general department of forensic science and criminology

Salem K. Alketbi *

General Department of Forensic Science and Criminology, Dubai Police, Dubai, UAE.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(02), 1391–1399
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.2.1558
Publication history: 
Received on 10 April 2024; revised on 17 May 2024; accepted on 20 May 2024
This manuscript offers an in-depth exploration of the Dubai Police and its General Department of Forensic Science and Criminology, emphasizing their critical role in law enforcement through advanced forensic science and innovative practices. Beginning with a historical overview, it traces the evolution of forensic disciplines from Edmond Locard's foundational principles to Sir Alec Jeffreys' groundbreaking DNA profiling techniques. The manuscript details the structure and functions of specialized sections within the department, including Biology and DNA, Forensic Chemistry, Forensic Toxicology, Firearms and Tool Marks, Questioned Documents, Forensic Explosive, Forensic Fire Investigation, Forensic and Mechanical Engineering, and Nuclear Physics.
Key achievements, such as the Biology and DNA Section's processing of thousands of cases and the generation of highly discriminating DNA profiles, are highlighted. The manuscript also addresses the department's challenges, including the rapid evolution of technology and the increasing complexity of crimes. Future plans to enhance capabilities through investment in new technologies, international collaboration, and continuous professional development are outlined.
By showcasing the department's commitment to innovation, excellence, and public safety, this manuscript underscores the pivotal contributions of the Dubai Police and its forensic department to crime resolution and community safety. The insights provided aim to foster a deeper understanding of the critical role of forensic science in the criminal justice system.
Dubai Police; General Department of Forensic Science and Criminology; Forensic Science; DNA Profiling; Forensic Chemistry; Forensic Toxicology; Firearms and Tool Marks; Questioned Documents; Forensic Explosive Investigation; Forensic Fire Investigation; Forensic Engineering; Nuclear Physics in Forensics; Crime Scene Investigation; Law Enforcement Innovation; Public Safety; Forensic Technology
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