Single motherhood: A growing sociological and economic existential concern for global communities

Johnnie Namwako Halwiindi *

Woodlands Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Church, P.O Box 31411 Lusaka, Zambia.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(02), 1374–1382
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.2.1448
Publication history: 
Received on 02 April 2024; revised on 12 May 2024; accepted on 14 May 2024
Single motherhood as a living condition has become one the greatest alternative family structures in the world, only second to couples living together. For the case of poorer communities, the challenge seems to be greater because women are among the most affected members of society as compared to their male counterparts, when it comes to social and economic privileges. These women who are often left to fend for their families after the death of their husbands, divorced and some never married, struggle with meeting their economic and parental obligation. This causes a lot of challenges that include but are not limited to, homelessness, school dropouts, prostitution, early pregnancies and delinquent behaviors in children, etc. The premise of this article argues the case for single mothers as an express necessity and concern for society, church, and government. The single mothers, being found in these circumstances are exposed to suffering through neglect but also not given due attention as far as economic privileges are concerned.
Purpose: whereas it is clear that the world is rallying on the agenda for couples and marriage as the norm for raising children in an ideal environment, it has become increasingly undeniable as to the number of marriages that are ending some in divorce and other societal challenges. Annually as others have posited, 30% of all marriages worldwide end in divorce, others lose their spouses to death and others have never been married before. This article seeks to create an appreciation of the current situation which is not only conspicuous but also undeniable. For societies faced with challenges of economic inequality between males and females, it has become a necessity to create awareness in bridging the knowledge gap in society and provide solutions for the challenge.
Single Mothers; Parenting; Living Conditions; Divorce; Widows
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