Removal of a benign tumor in the knee by a combined approach in a patient with acute blockage of the joint: Case report

Juan María González 1, Gustavo Hernández 1, Darwin Jeunner Vanegas 2, Luis Alberto Padilla 2, María Alejandra Quintero 2 and Luis Antonio Gómez 2, *

1 Clinica Portoazul, Colombia.
2 Orthopedics and Traumatology, Universidad Libre, Colombia.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(02), 1000–1005
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.2.1474
Publication history: 
Received on 02 April 2024; revised on 12 May 2024; accepted on 14 May 2024
Soft tissue tumors are the most prevalent tumor lesions in the extremities, of which lipomas are the most frequent tumors in soft tissue, highlighting that these are benign conditions, despite being tumors, however, intra-articular cases are extremely rare, which contrasts with arborescent lipomas that are well described in the literature, which are secondary to degenerative processes in the knee and not neoplastic lesions. Intra-articular lipomas are rare, with the most common location being the knee, followed by the hip, lumbar spine, elbow, shoulder and wrist.
Within the lipomas of the knee we find the arborescent lipoma, this is the product of degenerative changes established in the joint, which will be compromised and will give a manifest clinical appearance depending on its extension and size, which in turn will allow us to determine adequate management. surgical, in this case report we present a resection performed through arthroscopy and open approach due to a large lesion that generated joint blockage which subsides after the intervention.
Lipoma; Neoplasms; Adipose Tissue; Knee; Arthralgia; Arthroscopy
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