A ministry to at-risk homeless street youths in the central region of Lusaka, Zambia

Highten Hamweene *

Adventist University of Africa, Theological Seminary, Zambia.
Research Article
Publication history: 
Received on 30 March 2024; revised on 09 May 2024; accepted on 11 May 2024
The study examined the plight of homeless at-risk street youth who patronize the Lusaka Central Business District. Through observation and interaction, it was revealed that the Seventh-day Adventist Church is not providing an adequate and holistic ministry to the street youth people group. The purpose of this study was to develop, implement, and evaluate a viable intervention and ministry model that seeks to account for both the physical and spiritual needs of street youth. This model is here dubbed the PSR2D model consisting of meeting physical needs, equipping with skills, reform and rehabilitation, and most importantly, discipleship as a way of reaching the street youth. To adequately and meaningfully minister to at-risk street youths, the researcher used the qualitative method to approach the research process. After examining the problem through data derived from focus groups and observations, the researcher designed and implemented a multi-faceted ministry to reach at-risk street youth and thereby create an entering wedge for discipleship. The program started in December 2023 and was completed in March 2024.
Homelessness; Street Children; Street Youth; At-risk; Ministry; Poverty; Urban Missions
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