Cystic lymphangioma of the breast

Zineb Oudrhiri *, Othmane Alaoui, Abdelhalim Mahmoudi, Khalid Khattala and Youssef Bouabdallah

Department of Pediatric Visceral Surgery, CHU HASSAN II, University of Sidi Med Ben Abdellah, FES, Morocco.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(02), 233–236
Article DOI10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.2.1396
Publication history: 
Received on 17 March 2024; revised on 04 May 2024; accepted on 06 May 2024
It usually presents as a painless, soft, and movable mass in the breast. We report the case of an 8- year-old girl admitted for breast cystic lymphangioma (BCL) progressively increasing in size. Medical treatment with hydrocortisone injection did not yield results, hence the decision to operate on the patient.
Cystic Lymphangioma; Child; Hydrocortisone; Surgery.
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