Awareness and practice regarding puerperal danger signs among postnatal mothers attending at rural tertiary care center of Nepal

Nirmala Kumari Pahadi 1, *, Shandiya Chaulagain 2, Saraswoti Kumari Gautam Bhattrai 3, Savina Thapa 1 and Pushpa Kumari Jora 4

1 School of Nursing and Midwifery, Karnali Academy of Health Sciences, Jumla Karnali, Nepal.
2 School of Public Health, Karnali Academy of Health Sciences, Jumla Karnali, Nepal.
3 Maharajgunj Nursing Campus, Institute of Medicine, Tribhuwan University, Kathmandu, Nepal.
4 Mental Health Nurse: CMC Nepal, Salkot Hospital, Panchapuri Municipality Surkhet, Nepal.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(02), 044–055
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.2.1253
Publication history: 
Received on 15 March 2024; revised on 27 April 2024; accepted on 29 April 2024
Background: Global evidences show that all pregnancies are at risk and complications during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period are difficult to predict. Awareness regarding puerperal danger signs is essential for appropriate and timely health management so that maternal mortality and morbidity can be reduced. An objective of the study is to assess the awareness and practice regarding puerperal danger signs among postnatal mothers.
Method: Descriptive cross-sectional study design was conducted among 139 postnatal mothers, who were attending at maternal and child health (MCH) clinic and postnatal ward of Karnali Academy of Health Sciences (KAHS), Jumla. Probability simple random sampling method was used. Data were collected by using semi-structured interview questionnaire. After collection of the data, coding was done. Coded data was entered into EXCEL and transformed in SPSS for analysis.
Result: Out of 139 postnatal mothers, 60.4% had poor level of awareness regarding puerperal danger signs. Only 39.6% had good level of awareness regarding puerperal danger signs. Similarly, 85.6% of the respondents had poor practice on puerperal danger signs. Only 14.4% had good practice on puerperal danger signs.
Conclusion: Health education & awareness program is needed to improve the mother’s knowledge and practice on puerperal danger signs.
Awareness; Practice; Puerperal danger signs; KAHS; MCH
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