Entrepreneurial skill acquisition and job creation in Afikpo local government area of Ebonyi state
Department of Public Administration, Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic Unwana, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 2163–2176
Publication history:
Received on 07 February 2024; revised on 23 March 2024; accepted on 26 March 2024
The study examined Entrepreneurial Skill Acquisition and Job Creation in Afikpo Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. The major objective of the study was to investigate the importance of entrepreneurial skills acquisition on job creation to ascertain the causes of unemployment among youths and graduates of Afikpo local government of Ebonyi State, to determine the effects of youth and graduate unemployment in Afikpo local government of Ebonyi State and find out the efforts of Ebonyi State government to end or reduce youths and graduates unemployment. The study was anchored on the theory of empowerment. The study employed descriptive research design. Primary data used for the study were generated through the use of questionnaire addressed in fivepoints likert scale format, while the secondary data were collected through published materials such as journals. textbooks and newspaper etc. The population of the study was made up of one hundred and fifty six thousand, six hundred and eleven (156,611) residents of Afikpo local government area. The sample size of the study was three hundred and ninety-nine (399) determined by the application of statistical formula of Taro Yamene n= N/(1+N(e)2). Statistical analysis of the data was based on Chi-square thus, X2 = ∑(O-E)2/E. The study found out that entrepreneurial skill acquisition was an important antidote to youths and graduate unemployment in Afikpo, lack of skill acquisition was considered the major factor for youth and graduate unemployment in Afikpo and that graduate and youth unemployment made Afikpo youths to indulge in all kinds of crimes. The study recommended that entrepreneurship skill acquisition programmes should be taken as compulsory and more serviced by both the federal and state government, the programmed should be made compulsory at both primary and post-primary levels, individual, private spirited individual and non-governmental organizations should also key into this programme and help the government as a mark of social responsibilities.
Entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurship; Job creation; Skill acquisition
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