Factors affecting the implementation of the fifth patient safety goals in inpatient unit: Literature review
Department of Health Policy and Administration, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 1496–1500
Publication history:
Received on 06 February 2024; revised on 16 March 2024; accepted on 18 March 2024
Introduction: Patient safety is a condition where there is no danger that threatens the patient during the patient care process and the risk of harm is reduced. Infection prevention and control in inpatient units is a challenge because there are so many Adverse Events that occur in them. Objective: To Determine the factors that influence or hinder the implementation of the fifth patient safety goals in inpatient unit. Method: Using the literature review method. Article searches were carried out through the Garuda Portal database and Google Scholar using the keywords patient safety, patient safety goals, inpatient units. In total, 5 research results obtained articles that met the inclusion criteria. Result: Based on the results of a review of 5 articles showing that several factors that influence or hinder the implementation of the fifth patient safety goals inpatient unit are age, knowledge, work environment, and supervision, as well as attitudes and motivation of health workers. Conclusion: Factors that influence the implementation of the fifth patient safety goals in inpatient unit are influenced by 3 important factors: individual factors, organizational factors, and psychological factors.
Patient Safety; Patient Safety Goals; Inpatient Unit
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