Smart timetable display for students’ subject allocation in classroom using IOT
Department of Information Technology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 1269–1275
Publication history:
Received on 02 February 2024; revised on 10 March 2024; accepted on 12 March 2024
This essay describes the development of School bells have played a major role in all of our childhoods. But even with the advent of technology, a lot of things have gone digital, and the school bell is still a manual, antiquated bell. The first break occurs after two periods, and the second break occurs after the next two periods. After the fifth period, school is out. You can select a topic and duration for each period from a list of options in the project.The six days of the week that the user can set the schedule for are Monday through Saturday. The user can also alter the duration of each period. Our college's bell is set to ring continuously for ten seconds at a time in each of its blocks. This is accomplished by using data transmitted via the Internet of Things to notify teachers and students about the concurrent conclusion of a particular session in each block. In addition, a voice module is utilized to read aloud the data shown on the LCD module while a buzzer beeps to indicate an alarm. Three main parts were used in this Arduino college bell circuit: an Arduino Uno board, an IC RTCDS1307, and 16x2 LCD modules.The Arduino is a reading device.To develops this system, an STM32 controller, a Bluetooth module, a school bell buzzer, a 16 x 32-inch LED display, buttons, basic electronics components, and a PCB board are used. The STM 32 controller communicates with the user via the display. Both running and settings modes are available. The user can set the system's current schedule with timings using the Android app.
ESP32; Buzzer; LCD; Power Supply; Time Table
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