Factors influencing outpatient satisfaction in hospitals: Literature review

Michelle Yovita Cendana *

Department of Health Policy and Administration, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 650–656
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.21.3.0766
Publication history: 
Received on 19 January 2024; revised on 05 March 2024; accepted on 07 March 2024
Background: The hospital has a variety of services, one of which is the outpatient service as the most frequently service visited by patients. The continuity of outpatient services is determined by patient satisfaction and the services provided which are closely related to each other. Objectives: Several factors influence outpatient satisfaction at the hospital. Methods: Search articles through the PubMed and Google Scholar database using the keywords "outpatient" AND satisfaction" OR "outpatient" AND "satisfaction" AND "determinants". Items that match the criteria are as many as 7 articles. Results: The research was conducted in China (mostly as research sites), Vietnam, Ethiopia, and Pakistan. Various factors were found in the research and the ones that emerged most were related to waiting time, costs and services provided by health workers at the hospital. Conclusion: Factors influencing outpatient satisfaction at the hospital can be assessed based on functional quality and technical quality.
Patient Satisfaction; Outpatient; Service Quality; Hospital
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