Exploring the correlation between the natural surroundings and the prevalence of offensive language in society: A case study on three (3) selected residential compounds in Lusaka District
Rockview University, Lusaka, Zambia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(02), 1252–1262
Publication history:
Received on 16 January 2024; revised on 16 February 2024; accepted on 19 February 2024
A very important discovery has been made through the reviewed literature and theories showing existence of an intricate relationship between natural surroundings and the prevalence of offensive language, aiming to unravel the underlying dynamics that contribute to linguistic behavior in diverse environmental contexts. Through a multidisciplinary approach that integrates insights from psychology, sociology, and environmental science, the study established the impact of natural environments on the frequency, intensity, and contextual nuances of offensive language. Therefore, the purpose of this research paper was to explore the correlation between the natural surroundings and the prevalence of offensive language in society: a case study on three (3) selected communities in Lusaka district. The sample consisted of sixty (90) respondents. A representative sample of 60 adolescents and 30 parents: i.e., 20 adolescents from each named compound and 30 parents, that is, 10 from each compound were randomly selected from the three compounds in the district. Qualitative method was applied during data analysis. The results of the study indicated that environmental factors, including the natural surroundings do influence human behavior and emotions thereby adversely affecting language use in various contextual settings. It was equally revealed that exposure to nature or green spaces has a positive effect on the mental well-being, reducing stress and promoting positive mood amongst people living in low density residential compounds where the use of offensive language is less, as opposed to high density residential compounds where the use of offensive (profane) language is heavily influenced by numerous social, cultural, and personal factors among others.
Natural Surroundings; Offensive Language; Language Behavior; Ecological Psychology; Linguistic Analysis; Psychological Surveys; Socio-Cultural Factors; Natural Language Processing; Environmental Quality.
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