Envisaged obstacles and management options of implementation of total quality management, and teachers pedagogical quality output in secondary schools in Bayelsa state
Department of educational management and foundations, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(02), 169–186
Publication history:
Received on 19 December 2023; revised on 29 January 2024; accepted on 01 February 2024
The research focuses on obstacles and management options of implementation of total quality management skills and teachers’ pedagogical quality output in public secondary schools in Bayelsa State. The study utilizes an ex-post facto research design, employing a co-relational descriptive survey method. The population comprises 4175 consisting of 3997 teachers and 178 principals. The sample size includes 210, consisting of 90 principals i.e. 50% and 120 i.e. 3% teachers. The random sampling technique was applied. The research instrument is a self-constructed questionnaire developed based on the integrated quality management constructs originally formulated by Saraph, Benson, and Schroeder (1989). Additionally, it drew upon information from relevant literatures. The questionnaire is "Envisaged Obstacles and Management Options in the Implementation of Principals’ Total Quality Management Skills and Teachers’ Pedagogical Output Questionnaire" (EOMOIPTQMTPOQ). The face validity of the instrument was assessed through expert judgement, while the reliability used both the split half method and the Cronbach alpha statistics to a randomly selected group of 60 secondary school principals and teachers respectively in Edo State. The analysis indicated 0.70 for the envisaged obstacles in the implementation and 0.97 for suggested management options. The researcher utilized descriptive statistics, specifically mean scores and standard deviation, to address research questions 1 and 3. A mean score (X̅) rating of 2.50 or higher was considered as the benchmark for acceptance. For research questions 2 and 4, the researchers used correlation coefficients to determine the existence of relationships among the variables. Additionally, the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Statistics were applied to assess the significance in the formulated hypotheses 1, 2, 3, and 4, at a significance level of 0.05. The study concludes based on the findings that there were obstacles to the implementations of total quality management skills hence it affects teachers’ pedagogical output but the management options would ensure that the obstacles were remove as there was a significant relationship between principals’ total quality management skills and teachers' pedagogical output in public secondary schools in Bayelsa State. Based on the findings, the following recommendations among others are proposed: Principals and teachers in secondary schools should shift their perspective and adapt Total Quality Management (TQM) skills, recognizing that they are beneficial not only for businesses but also for educational institutions, as this can have a positive impact on teachers' pedagogical performance.
Quality-management; Continuous-improvement; Customer-focus; Team-driven; Pedagogical-output
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