Epigallocatechin-3-gallate combination on the growth of Enterococcus faecalis and cytotoxicity on fibroblast cells
1 Department of Dental Materials, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia.
2 Bachelor of Dental Science, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(01), 1609–1614
Publication history:
Received on 01 December 2023; revised on 10 January 2024; accepted on 13 January 2024
Background: Calcium hydroxide is an ingredient that is often used in pulp capping procedures. Calcium hydroxide can cause chronic inflammation and has weak antibacterial properties against Enterococcus faecalis. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) has anti-inflammatory properties and antibacterial properties against Enterococcus faecalis bacteria. Materials applied to the oral cavity were non-cytotoxic, biocompatible and antibacterial.
Purpose: To determine the inhibitory effect against Enterococcus faecalis bacterial growth and cytotoxic to fibroblast cells of calcium hydroxide and EGCG combination with various concentrations of EGCG solution 5 µg/mL, 10 µg/mL, 20 µg/mL.
Method: Calcium hydroxide mixed with EGCG with EGCG concentration in distilled water, at 5 µg/mL, 10 µg/mL, 20 µg/mL concentrations. The inhibitory test was tested using Petri dishes with Mueller-Hinton agar, using a dilution method. Observation of the inhibition zone at Petri dishes was carried out by measuring the diameter around the well using calipers. The cytotoxicity test was tested on BHK-21 fibroblast cells using the MTT assay test. The Formazan optical density test indicated the number of live cells.
Result: The result of the inhibitory test showed a significant difference between the calcium hydroxide-EGCG group. The cytotoxicity test showed that there was no significant difference in the percentage of living fibroblasts, after administration of the calcium hydroxide-EGCG combination.
Calcium Hydroxide; Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate; Cytotoxicity; Fibroblasts; Enterococcus faecalis
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