Complete novel review on Selenicereus undatus

Sunitha N *, Yamini B, Madhuri M, Rakesh R, Bhavani R, Nagajyothi Y and Thangabalan B

SIMS College of Pharmacy, Mangaldas nagar, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(01), 1596–1608
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.21.1.0093
Publication history: 
Received on 07 December 2023; revised on 13 January 2024; accepted on 15 January 2024
Hylocereus undatus is characteristically the most cultivate vine cactus belonging to the family of Cactaceae, originating natively from Mexico and America. Commonly, it is well acknowledged under the name of “dragon fruit” Or “pitaya”. It is also called ‘buahnaga’ in Malaysia gives the meaning of dragon fruit. Dragon fruit is reported to have numerous health imparting phytochemicals such as polyphenols, flavonoids, and vitamin C which bestow strong antioxidant potential to dragon fruit. Betacyanin present in the red pulped dragon fruit protect the mice from diet-induced obesity and itsrelated metabolic disorders. The consumption of dragon fruit by type 2 diabetics substantially reduced the levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol while it increased the levels of Dicholesteryl. It also significantly improves the insulin resistance in rats and decreases the blood glucose level in type II diabetic subjects. Our nature is surrounded with wide variety of plants and many of them are having medicinal properties. They contain the substances that provide nourishment essential for maintenance of life and for growth. The dragon fruit is a relatively super fruit on the Indian mark. Because of its appealing fruit color and mouth- watering pulp, nutraceutical value, excellent export potential, and highly remunerative in nature, it is gaining tremendous popularity among growers. Currently, several technologies can extend the shelf life of dragon fruit, such as coating it with wax or cassava starch and applying the Modified Atmospheric Packing. 
Antioxidant; Betalains; Dragon fruit; Pitaya; Polyphenol
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