Vocational and technical education for sustainable development: A roadmap to peace building and socio-economic reconstruction in Africa
Department of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning, Faculty of Education, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(03), 177–183
Publication history:
Received on 23 January 2023; revised on 25 February 2023; accepted on 28 February 2023
This study provided critical examination of policy formulation and implementation of Vocational and Technical Education (VTE) in some African countries. The study brought to fore relevance of VTE in engendering peace building and socio-economic development in Africa by examining four African countries: Nigeria, Botswana, Tanzania and Algeria. Apart from Nigeria in West Africa, three other countries were randomly selected one each from South, East and North Africa respectively. Juxtaposition of the objectives of VTE in the four countries was made. The study advocated a holistic implementation of policies on VTE in the African continent. Thus, it critically examined the concepts of vocational and technical education, relationship between vocational and technical skills acquisition and peace building in Africa. It also considered the roles of VTE in socio-economic reconstruction in the continent and how VTE engenders peace among the youths. National governments of each nation should give VTE due attention that makes school children and youths acquire work-related and work-based skills which will guarantee their employability after leaving schools rather than being school leavers who lack the required employable skills in the labour market. The study concluded that if this is done, every youth will be gainfully engaged and have no time for idleness and restiveness.
Vocational/technical education; Sustainable livelihood/development; Policy formulation/implementation; Peace building; Socio-economic Reconstruction
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