Using blockchain technology in public administration by ML & AI

Anton D. Dziatkovskii *

Platinum Software Development Company, Australia.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 16(03), 671-682
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.16.3.1386
Publication history: 
The sphere of Public Administration includes a broad system of legal relations, most of which are undergoing gradual transformation due to the development and integration of digital technologies in public administration. So, the e-government system covers not only the provision of administrative electronic services, and the adoption of legal acts in electronic form, but also other areas of Public Administration, in particular electronic Parliament, Electronic Government, Electronic democracy, electronic medicine, education, etc. At the same time, these elements of e-government do not exist in isolation but are interrelated components of a single system, through which both internal and external administrative functions of Public Administration are implemented.
First, it is necessary to point out the initiative "the state in a smartphone". It is assumed that this service will combine all the elements of e-governance and electronic public services, that is, it will become a single integral portal through which each person will be able to receive any public service online, track the most important events in the life of society and the state, take part in the discussion of draft acts adopted by state authorities, and so on.
Blockchain; Public Administration; e-Government; Public Services
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