Understanding testicular malakoplakia: A rare inflammatory condition and its clinical implications case report

R Ouaddane Alami *, N Alaoui Mhammedi, Z Ba, M. Ahsaini, S Mellas, JEl Ammari, MF Tazi, MJ El Fassi and MH Farih

Department of urology, Hassan II University Hospital, University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Fez, Morocco.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(01), 596–599
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.18.1.0650
Publication history: 
Received on 05 March 2023; revised on 13 April 2023; accepted on 15 April 2023
Genitourinary malakoplakia (GUM) is a rare and chronic form of bacterial soft tissue infection, which primarily affects the genitals and urinary organs. the diagnosis is histological. Symptoms may include itching, pain during sex, bleeding, abdominal pain and burning during urination. Although treatment usually includes antibiotics, corticosteroids or anti-inflammatory drugs, and a variety of other medications and procedures may be needed to treat the symptoms. In some cases, surgery is also indicated.
Malakoplakia; Genito-urinary; Michaelis-Gutmann; Testis]
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