Understanding pesticide purchase practices and brand preferences among cotton growers in District Muzaffargarh, Punjab, Pakistan

Muhammad Shuban *, Joko Mariyono and Agus Setiadi

Faculty of Animal and Agriculture Science, University of Diponegoro, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(02), 1512–1525
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.2.1467
Publication history: 
Received on 12 April 2024; revised on 18 May 2024; accepted on 20 May 2024
In Pakistan, the pesticide use has increased over the years.  Several companies market different pesticide brands and compete for capturing the attention of growers. This study was aimed at determining the pesticides buying behavior and brand preferences of cotton growers. Two leading cotton production districts including Multan and Muzaffargarh of South Punjab were selected. The study used quantitative research approach and data were collected from 160 cotton growers with the help of a survey questionnaire. The questionnaire included questions regarding farmers buying behavior and brand preferences towards pesticides. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multivariate statistical techniques with the help of SPSS software. Results indicated that the major preferred brands included Bayer crop science, Syngenta, FMC Corporation and Arysta life science. Quality of the products and effectiveness were the major attributes that were given importance by cotton growers. Price of product, distance between farm and dealer shop, peer group advice, brand reputation, credit availability, and dealer suggestion were also given importance regarding purchase of pesticides. While discount and subsidy and advertisement were given less importance by the respondents. Results of this study can help pesticide firms in strategies formulation as well as product development to get attention of the cotton growers.
Pesticides Buying Behavior; Brand Preferences; Cotton Growers; Quality of Product; Effectiveness; Consumer Behavior
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