From uncertainty to the faith’ qualitative leap
Universidad Politécnica Salesiana UPS Ecuador.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(01), 1224–1228
Publication history:
Received on 30 January 2023; revised on 26 April 2023; accepted on 29 April 2023
Uncertainty refers to that human experience related to ignorance or disagreement about a phenomenon or thing; However, human beings need to submit to uncertainty in order to develop courage, tranquility, certainty and even audacity in their survival. The antipode to uncertainty would be faith, which from theology is the gift of God. Anthropologists equate faith with religion and assert that it is not determined by anything other than itself and, consequently, cannot be reduced to any type of ethnographic explanation. However, faith has an immense capacity to transform the way of being, acting and understanding oneself of human beings. That is, it is an element of profound human transformation with the power to produce factuality. Is the factual power of faith a prize even longed for by human reason?
Faith; Uncertainty; Christendom; Power
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