Tourists’ acceptability of enriched aadun snack produced from maize, soybean and ginger flour at Idanre hill, Ondo state
1 Department of Leisure and Tourism Management, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Nigeria,
2 Department of Ecotourism and Wildlife, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 20(02), 553–562
Publication history:
Received on 06 August 2023; revised on 19 September 2023; accepted on 22 September 2023
Blends of maize, soybean, and ginger flour were optimized. Aadun, a traditional snack made from maize that is high in starch but poor in protein, was made using the mixtures. For proximate composition and mineral composition, experimental runs (at various levels of substitution) were produced using the Response Surface Methodology's optimal mixture design. The flour mixtures were also utilized to make aadun, which was taste-tested by visitors to Idanre Hill and Resort. The findings showed that the enriched aadun had higher protein, fiber, ash, and fat levels, as well as higher mineral contents (sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and manganese), ensuring that the aadun was nutrient-sufficient for the tourists. The aadun will have a stable shelf life because of the snack's far lower moisture and carbohydrate content, which distinguishes it from most local snacks that are primarily starch-based and may contribute to obesity. The general acceptability of the enriched aadun revealed that it did not differ noticeably from the conventional aadun made from 100% maize flour in terms of acceptability.
Acceptability Enriched Aadun; Composite Flour; Idanre Hill; Ondo state
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