The therapeutic effects of Thermos-mineral water Ilidza-Sarajevo in osteoarthritis of the knee
Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(02), 2265–2271
Publication history:
Received on 15 October 2024; revised on 22 November 2024; accepted on 25 November 2024
The beneficial effect of thermomineral (sulfur) water in the treatment of degenerative rheumatic diseases of the peripheral joints is the result of the incorporation of sulfur in the form of sulfates and sulfides into the cartilaginous parts of the joints. The aim research is to examine the therapeutic effects of thermomineral-sulfur water from Ilidza-Sarajevo using the iontophoresis method in osteoarthritis of the knee and compare it with the effects of the classic galvanization method. The study was observational, prospective, included 100 participants with osteoartritis of the knee, 50 in the Iontophoresis group with sulfur water (ISW) and 50 in the group where the Classic galvanization method (CG) was applied, both genders, aged between 31 and 80. The research was conducted in two Centers for Physical medicine and rehabilitation in Sarajevo Canton. The research results show that there is a statistically significant difference in the reduction of pain in patients after 10 days of therapy, using the ISW method 33%, with the CG method it is 24% (p< 0.05). After 15 days of treatment using the ISW method 57%, according to the CG method 45% (p<0.05). The increase in the range of mobility of the knee joint with the ISW method after 10 days of treatment is 13%, and with CG 10% (p=0.336). Results after 15 days of therapy with the ISW method 22%, and with CG treatment 16% (p=0.074). The use of Ilidza sulfuric water using the iontophoresis method in osteoarthritis of the knee improves the establishment of the functional ability of the knee joint.
Thermomineral water Ilidza; Osteoarthritis of the knee; Iontophoresis; Therapeutic effects
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