Study urban expansion in Mosul city using remote sensing data
Image Processing Department/Remote Sensing Center/Mosul University/Iraq.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(01), 1279–1288
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.19.1.1436
Publication history:
Received on 07 June 2023; revised on 24 July 2023; accepted on 27 July 2023
Mosul city considered as the second largest city in Iraq after the capital, Baghdad, in terms of population and urban areas (residential neighborhoods) in terms of number and high population density, which requires the need to monitor the changes that occur in the city as a result of random expansion, unplanned construction in large areas. Knowing about these changes is importance to the authorities in planning and providing services for the city. The current research deals with the study of urban expansion of Mosul city using Landsat 8 satellite data for the three different years 2009, 2014, 2019, respectively. Digital processing and image classification were used to prepare and draw three urban maps to track urban growth patterns for the three different time periods, using remote sensing software. Where the results showed that significant changes occurred in the structure of the city, represented in a significant increase in residential areas at the expense of a significant decline in agricultural lands and forest lands, as the residential areas reached 96.30 km2 in 2009 and according to the study became 166.42 km2 in 2019, an increase of 70.12 km2 within ten years. This warns the authorities to take legal and planning measures to preparation to this increase and try to provide the necessary services and infrastructure for this increase rate, in addition to preventing encroachments on agricultural areas. Government departments and local authorities can benefit from this research in developing service strategies and future infrastructure projects and updating the city's base map based on the expansion rates derived from the research results.
Image Processing; Satellites Image; Urban Planning; Decay of agricultural areas; Classification
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