Study of spatial and temporal climate variability in the Siguiri sub-basin (North-Eastern Guinea)

Moriba Kourouma 1, *, Mory Kourouma 1, Daouda Keita 1, Tanina Drissa Soro 2, Gbombele Soro 2, Oumar Soumaré 1 and Nagnin Soro 2

1 Department of Geosciences and Environment, Institute Superior of Mines and Geology (ISMGB), Laboratory for Applied Research (LAR), BP: 84 Tamakene-Boke, Republic of Guinea.
2 Department of Water Sciences and Techniques and Environmental Engineering, Water and Environment Sciences and Techniques Laboratory (LSTEE), UFR of Earth Sciences and Mining Resources (STRM), University of Cocody 22 B.P. 582 Abidjan 22 (Ivory Coast).
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 20(01), 591–605
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.20.1.2072
Publication history: 
Received on 21 August 2023; revised on 11 October 2023; accepted on 13 October 2023
Studies on rainfall fluctuations have established periods of drought and humidity in West Africa since the 1970s. Guinea, which is one of the countries in this part of Africa, is subject to changes that lead to episodic floods and droughts. In recent years, the Siguiri area, in the north-east of the country, has suffered from climatic fluctuations that have affected the availability of groundwater resources. The methods used to verify this natural reality are diverse and consistent with those used for such studies. Climatic studies carried out in the Siguiri prefecture show that there were major breaks in the regularity of rainfall patterns in the 1980s. In the study area, dry and wet periods alternate, exposing the prefecture to rainfall deficit conditions that contribute to global warming.
Climate; Change; Rainfall; Siguiri; Upper Guinea
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