The study of the phenotyping process of some Romanian cherry genotypes

Mirela Olga Boloacă, Adrian Chira, Mădălin Chiuoaru, Maria Adochiței, Daniel Nagy and Ligia Ion *

Faculty of Horticulture, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, 59 Mărăști, Romania.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 575–582
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.19.2.1606
Publication history: 
Received on 01 July 2023; revised on 09 August 2023; accepted on 11 August 2023
The Plum pox virus (PPV), is considered to be particularly serious in stone species, has appeared in research and documents since 1915 from which revelations emerge about the first symptoms appearing in orchards in central and eastern Europe, where the Plum pox virus (PPV) being so viral, it caused serious production losses in species such as plum, nectarine, cherry, almond, sour cherry, nectarine and last but not least apricot, where losses were 100%. The creation of new varieties with natural genetic resistance to Plum pox virus remains one of the most solid ways to limit the spread of this quarantine virus. The Elisa serological technique and the molecular PCR technique offer the possibility of highlighting the presence or absence of the virus in the plant.
The present study illustrates the results of phenotyping tests (indexing on different rootstocks, Elisa and PCR) for some autochthonous cherry genotypes. Even if it is difficult to establish a definitive hypothesis regarding the genetic control of resistance to Plum pox virus in cherry, we still observe an important number of graft/rootstock combinations, such as: Margarit / Otesani 11, Mari de Malu / Otesani 11, Rosu de Mai/ Otesani 11, which showed a resistance to the artificial infection with Plum pox virus. These genotypes are of interest in future breeding works.
Cherry; Phenotyping; Genotypes; Plum Pox Virus
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